Thursday, September 06, 2007

Can't Sleep

I'm awake with too many thoughts running through me head...

I have to get up early tomorrow to teach
I should really run after class
But should I run outside or on a tread mill?
I don't like running outside downtown...too much traffic
Maybe I could run around the track?
14 times around is a mile, that's a lot of times around...but maybe I could do some speed work
Everyone keeps telling me that I am losing weight
How come I don't feel like I'm losing weight?
The scale doesn't say anything clothes aren't falling off.
But I'm running freakin' 18 miles, why wouldn't I be losing weight
Because I eat like crap
Why do I eat so poorly?
How can I go through an entire day of work and not feel as if I accomplished anything
There are piles on my desk
I need to finish my resume and submit it to the Ridgedale YMCA
What's my exec's reaction going to be when my boss hands in his 2 weeks
Is he going to want to talk to me?
I wonder how I'm viewed at work.
I need to get through those piles on my desk
I want to be a membership director, but I'm scared, too many expectations
However the money would be good
BodyStep went well today - those stupid songs are RUNNING through my head
Weird day at work today
Why doesn't my exec just want to talk to me about the schedule
I hate office politics
Didrik and I watched 5 episodes of CSI tonight.
TiVo is amazing
Didrik is going to be gone this weekend
Yuck, I have to work
12 miles this Sat.
I'm anxious to talk to the running girls
I hate cellulite
I think that I will always have it
Do I want to be promoted at Skyway or move to a different branch
It's easy to stay - better commute, friends at St. Paul Ys, know the facility
Challenge to leave
Maybe it won't be up to me
In that case I'm outta here - onto something else
But what?
Oh I don't want to even go there....I'd be here all night
Stupid BodyStep songs - leave my head!
Is this post going to take up the entire page?
Who cares, it's my blog
I wonder how many frequent flier miles I have
I need to start thinking of 2008 travels
That's an incentive to stay with the Y, the vacation is fab
30 days to the marathon - that's crazy
I'm crazy
No going back now - too many people know
Maybe I'll get a "mysterious injury"
I'd never forgive myself
Just do it...
Didrik is in the other room sleeping
I sent him there because of his snoring, and now I can't sleep
How ironic
This is going to be an interesting couple of months
What's going to happen at work
Marathon progress
Italy trip
No turning back now
Oh shoot, I forgot to call that guy back
I also need to do those check requests
and those damn piles
Ok - maybe I'll try to sleep now



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor thing - I've had many nights like that so I can relate. Just remember to take a moment each day to BREATHE.

8:53 AM  

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